Discover Unusual Egypt

Step into an outstanding experience of exploring 4 different locations, each has a unique thing to offer. The diversity these locations offer with the different ethnic groups, architecture and even way of life, will dazzle your mind and eradicate any stereotyping ideas you may had about Egypt as a one place.

The Itinerary allows the traveler the chance to learn about 5 different Locations, each has its unique aspects. They would get to learn about the way of life in these and get to realize how diverse they are. As even with the same profession for fishermen, there are difference with the way they work in each location.


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El-Montazah District

Addressed to: Solo Traveler / Couples / Families
Duration: Two weeks (11 Nights)
Suitable for All Year Around December 2023 - December 2024
Price from: 900 Euro per person Including: Accommodation, transportations, meals and activities as per itinerary

Egypt Day Tours
Discover Unusual  Egypt