Explore the two Capitals of Jordan Salt and Amman , Learn to traditional breakfast and Jam , City walking tours in Amman and Salt ,

Spend Quality Time in Salt, Deir Ala and Rural communities of Jordan and explore the native authentic life style of locals. Areas covered: Al Salt, Deir Alla & Amman.

This program takes visitors on a journey through the farming traditions of Jordan, where the local and Mediterranean produce features in the local cuisine, as well as lifestyle of the Jordanian farming community. 


   Photo Gallery

Deir Alla | Al-Salt

Addressed to: Families, seniors, soft adventure enthusiasts
Duration: A few days (6 days - 5 nights)
Suitable for Mid September - Mid June
Num of Persons in Group: 2-12
Price from: $1,215 per Person (minimum of 2 people)

Nebo Tours
+962 6 5679950
+962 6 5679954