Jordan Country side Slow Experience

Spend Quality Time in Salt, Deir Ala and Rural communitites of Jordan and explore the native  authentic life style of locals.

A tailored authentic slow experience connecting you with the culture and local traditions of Jordan and Balqa Governorate. Engaging you with the daily life of local communities with different beliefs, knowledge and cultures. Allowing you to develop your personal creativity, enriching your knowledge and helping you get back in tune with yourself in a responsible and sustainable manner.
Visit untapped locations in Jordan away from the traditional archeological sites, enjoy the nature, biodiversity and cultural heritage


Deir Alla | Al-Salt

موجهة الى: Families, seniors, soft adventure enthusiasts
المدة: بضع ايام (2 to 7 days)
مناسب ل Mid September - Mid June
بدون دليل سياحي

Nebo Tours
+962 6 5679950
+962 6 5679954